The Kitchen-KL Robotic Kitchen allows you to save time, free up your day from routine cooking, plan and adapt your menu according to different diets and lifestyles, enjoy international cuisine anytime, control calories and get cooking tips and recipes from chefs around the world.

Robo Tea & Coffee Maker

personal tea making machine for those who really value their loose leaf brewing experience. ... It works with any mixture of tea leaves to pull out what it believes to be the optimal flavor in the more than 200 chemical compounds that make up each kind of tea.

  • Creates 100 world types of tea
  • Chosen leafs can see the making process
  • Making the Tea and Cofee Aroma in front of eyes

Specilised in making the worlds best tea and cofee.

ATF - Any Time Food

This working definition is very broad, however; it allows for many common machines to be defined as robots, including ATFs and vending machines. ... Chief among these is a robot's ability to respond to its environment autonomously to alter its program and complete a task, and it recognizes when a task is complete

  • Indian Food
  • Italian Food
  • Continental Food

Chinese Food is under working progress

Chef Vending

A vending machine is an automated machine that provides items such as snacks, beverages, cigarettes and lottery tickets to consumers after cash, a credit card, or a specially designed card is inserted into the machine.